The Hands-On Rust Dungeon Crawler Game
You are an adventurer and your quest is to find the Amulet of Yala...
You must navigate three maze-like levels filled with evil monsters to find it. You will find helpful items along the way. Death is imminent.
Playing the game requires a keyboard to play:
- Arrow or
keys to move g
key to pick up an item- Number keys (
) to use an item .
key to skip a turn- Hover mouse/trackpad pointer over item or enemy to reveal a tooltip
Tips and Hints
Surviving and finding the Amulet of Yala:
- Find a sword as soon as possible! (And don't press the inventory number for it - which throws it away)
- Get as many potions as possible on the first level.
- Running away and around corners is always an option.
- There are a few different types of potions and swords.
- Different monsters require a different number of hits and can deal different amounts of damage.
- Use the wait key strategically!
- Stairs and Amulets tend to be the corners of the map.
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Known Gameplay Issues
The game is a proof of concept and does not represent a final product...
The following issues are known areas of improvement:
- Using a sword from inventory by pressing its inventory number causes your character to lose the sword.
- When your character or an enemy steps on top of an item like a potion, the item is displayed over the top of the character.
- Because the game's level layout, enemy, and item placement, etc are randomly generated there is no guarantee that every played game is practicably beatable.
- When your character collects more than nine items, there is no way to use the tenth or higher item without first using some of the first nine items.
- In very rare circumstances, the graphics for the stairs down to the next level may be occluded by an item or enemy that is displayed on top of the stairs.
- Also very rarely, two enemies may end up occupying the same tile of the dungeon.
- The font used to display text is too small.
This is a dungeon crawler rogue-like game written in Rust...
It is compiled to WebAssembly (WASM), deployed to, and is rendered in an iframe. The project is from Hands-on Rust by Herbert Wolverson. As it is an educational project, it is more of a proof of concept than a full game and no further development is expected.
I wrote more about it in this post.